Introduction t
o Android
When they say that this is a small world, they’re not exaggerating. The world has become smaller as more and more mobile phone users are connecting with each other all around the world , and what’s even clearer is that technology is improving.
So the old handsets once utilized for simply making phone calls, have now become an intricate part of our lives.They serve a number of purposes; they can be used for taking photos, to listen to music, to watch a movie, to surf the net, and for many other things. And as you probably guessed, all this technology has resulted in the creation of new operating systems and software.
So what is an Android?
For starters, note that the mobile OS has advanced dramatically and has evolved throughout the last few years; so now, Androids are Linux-based systems created specifically for the touchscreen mobile apparatus like Smart Phones and tablets.
Android Inc.
- Started out in Palo Alto, California in 2003.
- It was later acquired by Google, Inc. in 2005 And since its release, there have been numerous updates. Take for instance Android 1.1 released in February 2009. It featured API changes as well as support for saving the attachments for MMS.
- Later on, Android 1.5 unveiled in April 2009 offered Bluetooth technology with AVRCP support.
In September 2009 Android 1.6 showcased a revolutionary WVGA screen support as well as Google turn by turn support. - By May 2011, Android 3.0 provided a 3D desktop, video chat and many other new innovations.